
We are a network of research-led universities in the north of England providing specialist advanced research methods training for the business and management community through the facilitation of events, retreats and conferences to establish networks to share cross-regional expertise. As a self-funded initiative, NARTI operates with care and probity, with funds held and administered by the University of Leeds.

Our aims:

  • To enable students, early career researchers and staff in the North of England to access specialist business and management related advanced research methods training provision
  • To establish networks between institutions to assist staff and students to share best practice, improve student and supervisory training and support early career researchers

How we meet our aims:

  • By facilitating opportunities for doctoral, early career researchers and academics in the business and management community to attend events such as regional events
  • By running an Annual Conference for doctoral researchers focused on advanced training
  • By providing an arena for researchers in our network to share research interests, contacts and best practice

‘Advancing research capacity and impact among doctoral and early career scholars in business and management through a strong northern university network and engaging with world class expertise.’

NARTI’s Mission Statement

If you would like to host a NARTI training workshop that focuses on advancing research methodology, please contact narti@lubs.leeds.ac.uk to discuss further as early as possible.

Management Committee

Co-Chair: Prof. Stuart Hyde (Alliance Manchester Business School)

Co-Chair: Dr. Effie Kesidou (Leeds University Business School)

Executive Consultant: Prof. Caroline Gatrell (University of Liverpool Management School) 

International Consultant: Prof. Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki (Vienna University of Business and Economics)

Network Manager: Jo Garrick (Leeds University Business School)

Steering Group Members

Prof. Stuart Hyde
(Alliance Manchester Business School)

Dr. Effie Kesidou (Leeds University Business School)

Prof. Mark Rhodes (Leeds Business School)

Dr Dilani Jayawarna/Dr Laura Radcliffe (University of Liverpool Management School)

Dr Scott Foster (Liverpool Business School)

Jo Garrick (Leeds University Business School)