Letter from the Chairs

Welcome to the NARTI website (Northern Advanced Research Training Initiative).

Dear All,

The last 12 months have illustrated the strength of NARTI. In 2023-24, we continue to provide excellent research training and professional development opportunities for our doctoral students and early career researchers.

The network demonstrates its strength and resilience by delivering training and development events both online and in-person and organises an innovative programme to reflect the changing needs of our institutions.

Researchers across the network attend training and development workshops including Writing for Publication and Impact with Professors Joep Cornelissen (Erasmus University and University of Liverpool) and Roy Suddaby (Victoria University, Canada and University of Liverpool), The Qualitative Case Study in Business & Management Research with Professor Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki (University of Vienna), Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling with Professor Christian Ringle (Hamburg University of Technology) and New Cross-Sectionally Dependent Panel Data Methods for the Analysis of Networks with Professor Yongcheol Shin (University of York).

Workshops designed to support doctoral students in the later stages of their PhD include Thesis Writing and Preparing for the VIVA, both led by Professor Rowena Murray.

Our programme continues to support postgraduate early career researchers and we have organised retreats, courses and workshops to provide them with the space to focus on individual writing projects. Write Here, Write Now is a coached retreat led by Will Medd, The Writing Reset is another coached course led by The Writing Academy at Prolifko and colleagues from across the network regularly facilitate online and in-person Structured Writing Retreats (SWRs) that are based upon the model that Professor Rowena Murray designed to support academic writers and their writing practice.

Going forward, we will continue to offer a rich and varied programme combining online learning and face-to-face provision. The Annual Conference, a highlight of the NARTI calendar, will be hosted by colleagues at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University on 27-28th June 2024.

A huge thank you to our all members for their contributions and efforts over the past year.  We are looking forward to meeting up in person over the coming year.

Professor Stuart Hyde (Alliance Manchester Business School)

Associate Professor Effie Kesidou (Leeds University Business School)