Advances in Experimental Methods Design (In-Person) with Drs Aulona Ulqinaku and Alessandro Biraglia

Date(s) - 08/07/2024 - 09/07/2024 All Day

Leeds University Business School


We propose to hold a two-day workshop where the recent developments of the experimental design, ethics considerations, and data analysis will be discussed both theoretically and empirically. The aim of the workshop is to discuss the most updated experimental techniques in the marketing and business field and provide related empirical applications. Experiments are the only testing technique that can test and prove causality and for this reason, experimental are extremely useful both in academic research and in the industry (often referred to as AB testing). Examples in industry include the use of experiments to assess and evaluate launch of new products, changes in elements of packaging, promotion elements, communications from companies abut also policymakers, graphical elements, etc. Types of experiments include those online, in the lab, and in the field, using different types of units of analysis (e.g., consumers, other companies, citizens, patients, clients).   

Given the above, this workshop intends to extend the knowledge of different types of experimental designs and data analysis. The 1st day of the workshop covers the bases and strictly necessary conditions of experiments, the different types of experiments, the advantages and disadvantages of each of each of these types of experiments, between and within subject designs, and ethical considerations. The 2nd day covers the analysis of experiments, mediation, and moderation and their analysis using SPSS and STATA, focusing on ANOVA, Process, spotlight, and floodlight analysis. 

The course will include a series of technical presentations and practical demonstrations, together with interactive exercises, that will provide attendees with new knowledge and skills that they can start applying immediately.  

Dr Aulona Ulqinaku has been focusing on experimental methods to investigate the effects of psychological threats  on individual behaviours in the past decade. Her work on psychological threats has been published in world-class journals in the field of marketing and psychology, winning also the Best Paper award in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, and has attracted the interest of the media (e.g., UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, The Conversation, La Repubblica), facilitating the dissemination of the findings with policymakers. Her work on experimental methods has also been published in international journals as a guide for researchers. Given her expertise in experimental methods, Aulona has organized research training seminars to train PG students, PhD students, and early career researchers in different countries both in delivering impactful academic research and in designing experiments, contributing to the research capacity development internationally. 

Dr Alessandro Biraglia has been focusing on experimental research in consumer behaviour, in the domains of branding and individual differences among others. His work has been published in different top-rated journals in marketing and management including the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Business Research, and Psychology & Marketing. He serves as an Associate Editor at the Journal of Business Research as well as on the Editorial Review Board of Psychology & Marketing. Alessandro has also served as an academic member in the University of Leeds – Leeds City Council policy forum as well as an expert in the UK Government post-COVID economic review programme “Rebuilding a Resilient Britain”. He has hosted workshop on experimental research in different countries, as well as in his core curriculum for the Marketing Research module at Leeds University Business School.