Date(s) - 31/03/2020 - 01/04/2020 All Day
University of Liverpool
Open to doctoral students and early career researchers.
Following the success of the 2017 PhD led conference, the doctoral community at the University of Liverpool Management School (ULMS) is organising a two-day event to take place in March 2020. The purpose of this workshop is to support PhD students and early career researchers (ECR) scholarly development by offering a space to assist in developing and refining research papers for publication in prominent journals and to facilitate academic socialisation. The theme for this year’s event is ‘Crafting World Leading Outputs for Qualitative Research’: to support PhD candidates and early career researchers in developing their ‘job market’ papers. We welcome submissions from a wide variety of topics in business, management and organization studies.
We expect around 30 participants from across the UK and Europe and an academic panel of ten to facilitate an intense, intellectually stimulating and socially enjoyable forum. The event commences on Tuesday, 31st March in the morning and ends on Wednesday, 1st of April, in the afternoon. All sessions will be held in the University of Liverpool Management School and an evening meal is also included.
Academic panel
Professor Stephanie Decker (Aston Business School)
Professor Caroline Gatrell (University of Liverpool Management School)
Professor Charles Harvey (University of Newcastle)
Professor Daniel Hjorth (Copenhagen Business School & Nottingham Business School)
Professor Robin Holt (Copenhagen Business School & Nottingham Business School)
Professor Christian Garmann Johnsen (Copenhagen Business School)
Professor Martin Kornberger (University of Edinburgh Business School)
Professor Mairi Maclean (University of Bath)
Professor Roy Suddaby (University of Victoria & University of Liverpool Management School)
Professor Mike Zundel (University of Liverpool Management School & Copenhagen Business School)
The event will be open to all doctoral (from second year onwards) and early career researchers.
Deadline for extended abstracts – 19th December 2019
For further details and to submit an extended abstract, please visit