Date(s) - 28/03/2023 - 29/03/2023 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Durham Spring School on Advanced Qualitative Methods
Durham University Business School. Mill Hill Lane, DH1 3LB, Durham
Durham Spring School on Advanced Qualitative Methods will enhance doctoral students and early career researchers’ skills and knowledge of qualitative methods’ more advanced facets. The module builds upon a foundational understanding of qualitative methods to deal with those more complex issues. Attendees will develop a doctoral-level knowledge of various advanced methodological approaches to undertake cutting-edge research. In addition, participants will be taught how to manage qualitative data analysis using software packages. The sessions will be led by qualitative experts who will provide students with the skills to engage with the intricate areas of qualitative research effectively. During the two days, students and ECRs will be introduced to a range of methods to deal to challenging contexts and data. We will showcase student and ECR research projects using novel qualitative methods and offer attendees advice to incorporate advanced qualitative methods in their work.
At the end of the workshop, attendees will have:
- Critically understood a range of advanced approaches to qualitative methods and analytical techniques.
- Enhanced their skills and knowledge of qualitative methods’ more advanced facets.
- Received feedback and guidance on how to incorporate advanced qualitative methods in their research projects.
- Formed networks with other students and ECRs using or exploring advanced qualitative methods.
During the 2 days, we will combine training and experiences. The presenters will introduce methods and analytical techniques, which will be combined with short presentations by students and ECRs using advanced or innovative qualitative methods. We will explore methods and techniques to explore 1. Experiences and practices, 2. Narratives and discourses, 3. Processes and journeys and 4. Visuals and movements.
We will offer a separate optional session on the morning of day 3, where students will have the opportunity to receive feedback on their work.
Registration form
Dr Bernadetta A. Ginting-Szczesny is Research Associate at Aalto University School of Business in Finland School. Her research uses visual methods and colour timelines to explore the roles of emotions in entrepreneurship. Her research has been published in Journal of Business Venturing Insights and Academy of Management Discoveries.
Dr Ewald Kibler is Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at Aalto University School of Business in Finland. His research pronouncedly multi-disciplinary, applying theories from (social) psychology, (organizational) sociology and (human) geography to explore new venture legitimation and entrepreneurial failure, social and sustainable entrepreneurship, place-based community organizing and collective emotions. His research has been published in leading management journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Research Policy, Harvard Business Review, Human Relations, Journal of World Business, Journal of Economic Geography, and Environment & Planning A. He currently serves as Associate Editor of the Journal of Business Venturing Insights.
Dr Sui-Ting Kong is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Co-Director of the Centre for Social Justice and Community Action at Durham University. Through participatory or collaborative processes, her research explores ways to democratise knowledge production through methodological innovations. These new methods/methodologies advance the theorisation and debates on the relationship between research and social practice, challenge hierarchies of victimhood and enhance understanding of gender-based violence at the intersection of personal and political lives. Her participatory research has been published in leading sociology journals such as Ethics and Social Welfare, The British Journal of Social Work, and Sociology
Prof Pablo Munoz is Professor of Entrepreneurship and PhD Programme Director at Durham University Business School. His research focuses on prosocial entrepreneurship and research impact. With a focus on engaged scholarship, he explores 1. How individuals use entrepreneurial practices to overcome challenging circumstances and create a more sustainable future and 2. How to advance the idea of impact-in-process, to bring research impact into the core of social science research. His research has been published in leading management journals, such as Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, California Management Review, Journal of Management Studies, Academy of Management Discoveries and Academy of Management Perspectives; in innovation studies journals such as Research Policy and Technological Forecasting and Social Change; as well as in regional and environmental studies outlets, e.g., Business Strategy and the Environment, Organization & Environment, and Regional Studies. He currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Business Venturing Insights.
Dr Grant Murray is Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship at Durham University Business School. His research interests include the practices of entrepreneurship and strategy. In his research, he uses a novel analysis of movement, space and symbols to examine everyday practices in the functioning of support organisations and incubators.
Dr Laura Radcliffe is Senior Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour at University of Liverpool Management School. She conducts in-depth research that can be used to gain a rich understanding of people’s lived, daily experiences, including the use of multimodal qualitative diaries. Her primary research interests focus on how people manage their various roles and identities with a particular focus on the relationship between work and other life domains including a consideration of the impact of organisational policies and structures. She also explores gender, diversity, and inclusivity issues within the context of work-life experiences specifically, and organisations more generally. Her research has been published in the British Journal of Management, Organizational Research Methods, Human Relations, among others
Dr Virva Salmivaara is Assistant Professor in the Department of Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Innovation at Audencia Business School in France. Her research explores public narratives, rhetoric and legimitacy in policy and entrepreneurship. Her research has been published in leading management journals such as Human Relations Journal of World Business and Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice. (Online presentation)
Dr Leighann Spencer is a Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour at the University of Liverpool Management School. Leighann’s research interests fall into two substantive domains of workplace mistreatment and the integration of scholarship and practice, which are threaded together by a strong interest in creative and longitudinal qualitative research methods. In particular, she has a keen interest in qualitative diary methodology, specifically the use of mobile technologies. Her research has been published in leading management journals such as Academy of Management Learning and Education and Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.
If you have any questions, you can contact the workshop organiser, Prof Pablo Munoz at, or Durham Business School’s PhD office at