Exploring Grounded Theory Workshop with Dr Helen Scott (Registration Closed)

Date(s) - 23/03/2021 All Day


Are you a Ph.D. student or early-career researcher in the earlier stages of methodological development for your project and considering a grounded theory approach? If so, this introductory course on the practice of Grounded Theory could be for you.

The origins of grounded theory date back to the work of Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss who first developed the methodological approach through their work understanding the behaviours of nurses working with terminally ill patients, which was published in two books called the “Awareness of Dying” (Glaser & Strauss, 1965) and the “Time for Dying” (Glaser & Strauss, 1967). Since then, several different strands of grounded theory have emerged from Glaser’s classic grounded theory to the coding paradigm introduced by Strauss, and further developed by Strauss and Corbin (1990, 1998), to the postmodernist, constructivist approach of Kathy Charmaz (2006, 2014). These differing approaches can confuse researchers who are considering using grounded theory for the first time, however, if they are not distinguished from each other criticisms can arise that grounded theory is not being used correctly or completely. Researchers and students may find themselves asking key questions such as “what are the practical and theoretical differences between the approaches, and which best suits the needs of my project and my philosophical position as a researcher?

This training session aims to provide answers to those questions by:

  • Tracing the development of grounded theory since its inception.
  • Highlighting the key philosophical differences of the different approaches.
  • Myth-busting the approaches to reviewing the literature in grounded theory
  • Practicing interviewing, open coding and memoing.
  • Unpacking differences in coding techniques and theory building.
  • Assessing practical ways to select a suitable grounded theory approach for a project.
  • Considering future developments of grounded theory.

Presenter Bios

Dr Natalie Haynes completed her Ph.D. in 2019 using a Straussian grounded theory approach to explore the use of big data in hotel price decision-making. She continues to publish in a range of international journals using grounded approaches in the topic areas of revenue management, pricing, and big data. She teaches hotel and airline revenue management for the Department for Service Sector Management at Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, and supervises several doctoral students.

Dr Helen Scott is an independent researcher and Fellow of the Grounded Theory Institute. Helen gained her PhD from the School of Computing, University of Portsmouth and was trained in the grounded theory method by its instigator, Barney G. Glaser. Helen supports novice and experienced researchers from all over the world from her website Grounded Theory Online. She is also a consulting researcher for global and national organisations.

Please register via the following Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/exploring-practice-in-grounded-theory-tickets-142087681079

Priority will be given to Postgraduate and Early Career Researchers who are based at NARTI member universities.