Date(s) - 25/05/2022 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Lancaster University
This is a full-day workshop, including plenary inputs from Editors from the International Journal of Management Reviews and small group work (also facilitated by IJMR Editors) where participants will be working on developing their own literature review papers, with specific emphasis on developing a theoretical or conceptual contribution.
IJMR is a 3* CABS journal with a 2-year impact factor of 13.419 in 2020. Its ISI Journal ranking is 2/153 in Business and 3/226 in Management, making it the leading non-US review journal in business and management. The journal has a strategic remit of publishing review articles that make a significant theoretical or conceptual contribution to scholarship in management and organization studies. All reviews published in the journal are required to present a strategic platform for new directions in research and to make a substantive difference to how scholars might conceptualise research and knowledge in their respective fields. This means members of the journal’s editorial team are perfectly placed to deliver a workshop of this nature. The workshop is likely to be of particular interest to PGRs and ECRs. Since both these groups are likely to be deeply embedded in their chosen literature, and to be seeking impactful outlets for publishing their literature reviews, this workshop is particularly positioned to support them in this aim, with both methodological inputs and direct feedback and support. IJMR has a strong track record of supporting submissions from these academic groups. All participants will be required to submit an extended abstract as part of their application, and places will be offered based on their work having the potential to offer a conceptual contribution to knowledge (rather than merely a descriptive review). The aim of the workshop is for participants to develop a clear understanding of how to develop a theoretical/conceptual contribution from a literature review, as well as how to ground their contributions in the robust and rigorous review methodologies they might consider utilizing. They will also benefit from expert feedback to enable them to substantively progress their own paper in this format. Resultant papers may be submitted to IJMR or other quality review-based journals (e.g. AMA, JMS). Facilitators: Dr Marian Iszatt-White (Lancaster University) Professor Caroline Gatrell (University of Liverpool) Professor David Denyer (Cranfield University) Professor Jamie Callahan (Northumbria University) Professor Jonathan Pinto (Imperial College London) This workshop is open to both PGRs and ECRs and to apply for a place, please submit a 500-word summary of the intended paper for the facilitated session to by no later than Tuesday 1st March. This should include:
If you are selected to participate, you will be required to submit a draft manuscript of the intended paper to a sufficient stage for you to be able to get good value out of the facilitated session. This draft manuscript should be no more than 7000 words including references and the deadline for submission is Monday 2nd May and these will be circulated to your facilitated group ahead of the workshop.