LUBS Speaker Series (Online): Professor Stephanie Decker (open for registration)

Date(s) - 18/04/2024 10:00 am - 11:30 am


As part of the LUBS Guest Speaker Series, we welcome Professor Stephanie Decker from Birmingham Business School

LUBS Speaker Series

‘Historical Imagination as a Methodological Practice and the Role of Theory’

with Professor Stephanie Decker


Thursday 18th April 2024 (10.00-11.30)

Online via Zoom

As social scientists, we do not often speak about the role of imagination. Weick considered ‘disciplined’ imagination as central to theorizing, but scholarly imagination in other aspects of the research process is considered with scepticism. In historical research practice, imagination has been more widely discussed, and is of methodological importance in studying the past. But historical imagination and its presentation as narrative are not considered a ‘proper’ method of social science and frequently criticised as anecdotal.

In this talk, I will consider what standards exist for constructing historical narratives, what makes the stories we tell as researchers trustworthy, and how we can theorise on the basis of historical archival research.

Stephanie Decker is Deputy Dean and Professor of Strategy at Birmingham Business School. Her work focuses on historical approaches in Organisation Studies and Strategy, and she has published in journals such as Academy of Management Review, Human Relations, Journal of Management Studies, and Business History. As a historian working at a business school, most of her work is concerned with the connection between the social sciences and history, specifically organization studies and history. She is joint editor-in-chief of Business History, on the editorial board of Organization Studies, Journal of International Business Studies and Accounting History, and Co-Vice Chair for Research & Publications at the British Academy of Management.

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