NARTI/SAMS: Resilience, Re-Focus and Re-Balance Retreat Series for ECRs: One-Day Structured Writing Retreat with Dr Angela Carradus

Date(s) - 13/04/2021 All Day


Structured Writing Retreats are facilitated sessions based upon the extensive research undertaken by Professor Rowena Murray. The aim of the retreats are to use dedicated writing time to progress individual writing projects in a supportive and non-surveillance environment.

This online retreat will be delivered via Zoom. We use most of the time for writing, all of us in the same room. Please ensure that you arrive in good time to register and set-up as the retreat follows strict timings in order to maximise the opportunity for writing time.

See for information, interviews with participants, copies of articles about retreat, evidence base etc. This one-day retreat will be facilitated by Angela Carradus who has undertaken facilitator training with Professor Murray.

Murray & Newton 2009

If you would like to apply to join the retreat, please submit the following to by no later than Friday 26th March 2021:

  • Full name, university email address and indicate if you are a doctoral student (please state the current year of study) or a postdoctoral early career researcher
  • A summary of no more than 200 words of why you wish to join the structured writing retreat