Writing for Publication & Impact: Guidance and Tips

Date(s) - 29/11/2023 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm


With Professors Roy Suddaby and Joep Cornelissen

In this session, Professors Roy Suddaby and Joep Cornelissen will outline how the publishing system works; how to select journals and target your paper towards a specific journal and make it ready for submission.

Drawing on their editorial experience at different journals (Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Perspectives, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Theory, Journal of Business Venturing), they will also outline standards and expectations for publication at some of the top management journals and will give advice on specific parts of a paper, including research design, construct clarity and the framing and positioning of your study. The session will be interactive; after the inputs from Roy and Joep there will be plenty of scope to ask questions and get advice on your papers.

About the speakers:

Roy is Professor and Chair in Organisation Studies in the University of Liverpool Management School and the Winspear Chair of Management at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business at the University of Victoria, Canada. He is a past editor of the Academy of Management Review and has served, or continues to serve on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Management Studies, Academy of Management Perspectives and the Scandinavian Management Review. He has won best-paper awards from the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, and the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada as well as the Greif Research Impact Award from the Academy of Management.

Joep is Chair in Strategy and Organisation at the University of Liverpool Management School and Professor of Corporate Communication and Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. His research focuses on processes of innovation, entrepreneurship and change. He has a general interest in questions of scientific reasoning and theory development in management and organization theory. Joep is the Editor-in-Chief of Organization Theory, and a former Associate Editor for the Academy of Management Review (2014-2017) and a former General Editor of the Journal of Management Studies (2006-2012).

To book a place on this event, please complete the registration form

Zoom joining details will be sent out the day before the event.

There will be plenty of time for you to ask questions. Please note that, due to the interactive nature of the workshop, the session will not be recorded so that open discussion can take place.